138 State Reps Stood Up AGAINST NH Parents

Did your State Representative vote against LOCAL CONTROL for your School District? SB 101 would have Prohibited the State from Requiring School Districts to Adopt Common Core. GOVERNOR MAGGIE HASSAN AND THESE 138 STATE REPS STOOD UP AGAINST PARENTS, LOCAL CONTROL AND...

THIS Is What Governor Hassan Is DOING To Your Children

This is what Governor Hassan is doing to your children. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/state-superintendent-common-core-math-not-mandated/nmLDH/#__federated=1 PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK AND WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO!! Some state officials are finally admitting how bad...

Who’s Working Against Parents In NH? We Are Naming Names

This year is proving to be quite the battle for parents who want control over their local schools versus allowing the Feds to run their schools with the help from the New Hampshire Dept. of Education. We’ve highlighted pro-parent legislation like HB206 and how...

The BIA & Governor Hassan: CHILDREN FOR SALE!

See the attached letter below from the BIA urging Governor Hassan to VETO SB101. SB101 prohibited the implementation of Common Core in New Hampshire Schools. The BIA has been engaged in supporting Common Core in New Hampshire for a few years. They have been actively...

Governor Hassan is Killing Math Education in New Hampshire

NH parents. Today Governor Hassan vetoed SB101 which would have prohibited the State Dept. of Ed and Board of Ed from forcing schools to use the Common Core Standards. Please share this video with parents across New Hampshire and let them know, this is the kind of...