Feb 18, 2016
This letter was sent by the Londonderry Superintendent to parents recently. As we read through it we noticed a great deal of information that was left out. Why are Superintendents not fully informing parents in the district about the possible violation of state law...
Oct 14, 2015
The New Hampshire State Dept. of Education is now tracking your child’s BEHAVIORS: Do they get along with others? That is SUBJECTIVE Are they ATTENTIVE in class? That is SUBJECTIVE Are they going to class “motivated to learn”? That is SUBJECTIVE...
May 8, 2015
Parents have been complaining about the intimidation, misinformation and bullying by administrators in their local school district when it comes to exercising their parental rights to REFUSE the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Schools are required to administer the...
Apr 10, 2014
Residents Continue to Question Smarter Balanced Testing April 10th, 2014 By Jay Hobson Londonderry resident Laura El-Azem asked the school board for a status update on a waiver of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) testing that is scheduled for next...